Thanks for reading Surrounded by Wonder friends. For those on the mailing list, here is the correct link for the reference to a short video on Arnie's latest mural-a 100 foot long painting to brighten up the view for patients in the cardio care unit at a hospital in St. Cloud, Minnesota. https://youtu.be/SJE2zwvpSME?si=ZatZExWm-VPB_st_

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Magnificent essay Katie. We have a smaller print of Arnie’s mural in our entry way and a beautiful, unusually understated and Zen-like painting Arnie made of Mt Juneau on a wall as well. Thank you for calling my attention to the actual Ferlinghetti poem 🙏🏽 summarized in the title of the mural.

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Thanks so much John! And here is the link to a short youtube video on Arnie's magnificent new mural outdoor mural at a Minnesota Hospital. https://youtu.be/SJE2zwvpSME?si=ZatZExWm-VPB_st_

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